Too often, machinery fails to follow through on tasks it should be able to complete. This failure could occur because the device is outdated, or maybe the maintenance was too costly to keep up, so another problem was never handled adequately.
Your printers have important jobs to do, so they cannot be unreliable. You may not know the right time to upgrade your printer fleet, but the devices will let you know when they cannot take any more responsibilities. You simply have to know what to look for. If your printer fleet experiences any of the following, it is time to upgrade your printer.
1. Printing Network is Unsecured
Your printer shows up as a network in your settings. If a printer is listed as an unsecured network, then that device is not safe. Think of it as an unsecured wi-fi network – without a password, the network is not protected, and anyone can use it. A printer network is much the same. If it remains unprotected, anyone can use it to print. Such use could drive up costs in that you will have to replenish spent supplies. You may even have to call upon maintenance to remedy any issues that could arise from the unauthorized use.
Some printers are so outdated that it is impossible to remedy an unsecured network connection. In that case, it is time to upgrade your printer fleet. Security should be a priority and leaving your printer wide-open for an attack is not a healthy practice.
2. Mobile Device Inaccessibility
Undeniably, cell phones are an essential part of our world today. When all the information in the world is accessible through a device in your hand, it can be difficult to part with such a convenience. Thus, the world must adapt around smartphones, and one way to discern if your printer needs an upgrade is to check for mobile device accessibility.
Documents can now be accessed through handheld devices, not just computers, making it more convenient to work when you are away from your desk. If your printer fleet is modern, you should be able to guide a document from your smartphone to your printer with ease. It could be time to upgrade your printer if it is incompatible with the latest mobile technology.
3. Costs Are Rising
Printer maintenance averages about $75 per hour of work. That price is understandable and acceptable if your device functions normally afterward. However, if printers in your fleet continue to break, that $75 keeps adding up. Eventually, it almost seems worth it to replace your printers for the money you are spending on repairs.
The cost of maintenance can add up quickly, especially if your printers continue to break, which is an obvious sign that your printers need to be replaced. You can prevent future costs snowballing out of control by purchasing a newer model.
Signs Your Printer Life Expectancy Is Past
Printers typically only last around five years. Your devices could extend their lifespans well beyond that, but how well are they operating compared to the new printers on the market? There are a few traits you can check off your list to help you decide if it is time to upgrade your printer.
1. Maintenance Is Too Expensive
Maintenance on older printers could be more expensive than newer devices. If your printer fleet is years removed from being considered “modern,” it may cost more to repair. With new models of printers come new forms of maintenance, and as the older models phase out, so does the knowledge of their inner workings. To keep costs low, it is best to upgrade your printer fleet.
2. Finding Spare Parts Is Impossible
In addition to your device continually failing or experiencing mechanical problems, a telling sign that your printer has outlived its usefulness is the inability to find spare parts. Finding the correct parts for repairs will become less common as your devices age. If you scour the Internet and are still unable to find the parts you need to complete a repair, it is time for an upgrade.
3. How It Influences Your Day-to-Day
If you spend more time wrestling your printers and begging them to work, than using them to print, your current fleet does not have a healthy impact on your day-to-day operations. Effective printers should streamline document production and distribution, not hinder it.
Do your research on newer printers. See what they can offer that your current fleet cannot. For example, are your printers so old that you have a separate scanner because your printer model cannot perform both tasks? Outdated practices like this generate more loss than gain – instead of working with just one modern machine, you are upkeeping two older ones.
Time to Upgrade Your Printer with Cartridge Ink
It is never a bad idea to upgrade to the latest model – it will be more environmentally-friendly and cost-effective. Your printer fleet will run more efficiently, and your office will thank you for eliminating a recurring source of stress.
It may take time for you to be comfortable with retiring your old printer fleet, especially if the model served you well. In the meantime, Cartridge Ink would be delighted to introduce you to a host of new products that could fit your business’s printing needs.
It’s time to find
your new fleet. Contact Cartridge Ink today to discuss
all your printer options.